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Seng-Su Tsang


Seng-Su Tsang

Office:  MA-Building 513
Lab:  Mobilized Digital Services, MA-402
Office hours: 二 12:30-14:30 Tue(Please make an appointment first)
Phone: 886-2-2737-6748
E-mail:  tsang@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Education: PhD in Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Research:  Retailing Strategy and Innovation, Service innovation, Business Intelligence, Technology Venturing
Courses:  Strategic Management, Services Innovation, Econometric Analysis
  Journal Papers
2018 Chiu, Ching-Ren, Chen-Ling Fang, Seng-Su Tsang Yi-Fen Chen (2018), Performance evaluation of the semiconductor industry based on a metafrontier approach. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 24(3):825-843. (SSCI indexed) DOI:10.3846/20294913.2016.1218372
2017 Seng-Su Tsang, Wen-Cheng Wang, Hao-Hsiang Ku (2017) Study on cluster analysis characteristics and classification capabilities—a case study of satisfaction regarding hotels and bed & breakfasts of Chinese tourists in Taiwan, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 23(1), 103-108. (SCI indexed) DOI:10.1080/10798587.2016.1139285
2016 Wen-Cheng Wang, Hao-Hsiang Ku, Seng-Su Tsang (2016) Using Clustering Algorithm to Validate the Golf Backswing Action Simulated by Microsoft Kinect Motion-Sensing Photography, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 10(2):747-753. (SCI indexed) DOI:10.18576/amis/100235
2015 Seng-Su Tsang, Feng-Chen Chang, Wen-Cheng Wang (2015) A survival analysis on Fuel Cell technology patent maintenance and values exploration between 1976 and 2001. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. (SCI indexed)
2015 Chen, Ja-Shen, Don Kerr, Seng-Su Tsang, Yu Chieh Sung, (2015) Co-production of Service Innovations through Dynamic Capability Enhancement. The Service Industries Journal, 35(1-2), 96-114. (SSCI indexed)
2015 Tsang, Seng-Su, Wen-Cheng Wang and Hao-Hsiang Ku, (2015) The intention of job seekers to apply for jobs in small and medium-size coastal enterprises based on the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 73(1), 665–675. (SCI indexed).
2014 Tsang, S.-S., Chen, Y.-F., Lu, Y.-H., & Chiu, C.-R. (2014). Assessing productivity in the presence of negative data and undesirable outputs. The Service Industries Journal. 34(2), 162-174. (SSCI indexed)
2013 Chang, Y.-Y., Smale, A., & Tsang, S.-S. (2013). HRM Transfer and Taiwanese Multinationals in the UK. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal. August 20(3), 464-482. (SSCI indexed)
2013 Chiu, Ching-Ren, Lu, Kuo-Hsien, Tsang, Seng-Su, Chen, Yi-Fen, (2013) “Decomposition of the meta-frontier inefficiency in the two-stage network directional distance function with quasi-fixed inputs,” International Transactions in Operational Research, July 20(4), 595-611. (SSCI indexed)
2013 Tsang, S.-S., & Finnegan, C. A. (2013). How do franchisor policies and industry attractiveness impact franchise timing?: Evidence from entrepreneur's top 500 franchisors. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,April 41(2), 135-154. (Association of Business Schools Journal Quality Guide indexed) 2014 Highly Commended Paper award by Emerald Publishing
2013 Tsang, S.-S., & Chen, Y.-F. (2013). Facilitating Benchmarking with Strategic Grouping and Data Envelopment Analysis: The Case of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, December 18(5), 518-533. (SSCI indexed)
2013 曾盛恕,許美治,陳姿吟,蘇逸玲,戴辛翎(2013), “社群網絡與護理工作壓力之相關性研究-以某透析中心為例,”臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌, 12( 2),1-15.
2012 Tsang, S.-S., Chen, T.-Y., Wang, S.-F., & Tai, H.-L. (2012). Nursing work stress: the impacts of social network structure and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Nursing Research, 20(1), 9-18. (TSSCI and SSCI indexed)。註:此文獲中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會101年度護理研究成果競賽優良獎。
2010 Hung, W.-T., Tsang, S.-S., & Liu, H.-Y. (2010). Website characteristics and the impact of user perceived value on user beharior in WEB2.0. Academy of Information & Management Sciences Journal, 13(1), 1-18. (ABI indexed, leading article)
2009 劉寶玲,陳筱瑀,曾盛恕,蘇逸玲,楊勤樸,戴辛翎 (2009),提昇加護病房家屬探病滿意度專案,醫院雜誌,42(5),56-66
2009 曾盛恕,黃筱芳等 (2009), “行動商務市場的新商機—近場通訊數位內容搭載行動廣告之效果分析,” 產業管理評論, 3(2), 55-65.
2008 Johnson, Jr., Julius H., Dinesh A. Mirchandani and Seng-Su Tsang. (2008), Competitive Dynamics, Global Industry Cycles, Integration-Reponsiveness and Performance in Emerging and Industrialized Country Markets. International Journal of Business and Economics 7(1), 61-78. (EI indexed)
2007 賴子珍,曾盛恕, 李佳盈 (2007), “讓蝴蝶蘭再次飛躍國際舞台-創新物流服務-打造品牌價值”, 產業管理評論, 第七卷第二期, 62-71
2006 賴子珍,曾盛恕, 黃仁杰 (2006), “創業與產業群聚效果—從台北市中山北路之婚紗攝影群聚看起”, 產業管理評論, 第六卷第二期
2005 賴子珍,曾盛恕,許峻銘 (2005), “專利引證與專利維護模型之建構,” 產業論壇, 7(2). (TSSCI indexed)
2003 蔡佩瓊,曾盛恕 (2003),”論健保支付制度的代理問題,” 醫院雜誌, 36(2), 32-39.
2003 Hsin, C.-W., Guo, W.-C., Tsang, S.-S., & Luo, W.-C. (2003). The impact of speculative trading on stock return volatility: the evidence from Taiwan. Global Finance Journal, 14(3), 243-270. (EconLit indexed, 9 citations) (EconLit indexed) 【國科會財務領域B +級期刊 】
2002 徐學忍, 曾盛恕, 2000, "獨占授權者之跨期最適授權," 科技管理學刊, 5(2), 145-168.
2000 曾盛恕, 2000, "技術評價與授權," 科技發展政策報導, 89年11月, 1329-1338, and 中興產學合作電子報--第一卷第三十期.
1996 Fullerton, D. and S. Tsang, 1996, "Should Environmental Costs be Paid by the Polluter or the Beneficiary? The Case of CERCLA and Superfund," Public Economics Review, 1(1), 85-127; NBER Working Paper No. W4418, Issued in August 1993
1989 汪銘生, 曾盛恕, 楊仁壽 , “公共決策中的衝突管理: 以高雄市覆鼎金垃圾焚化場選址為例,” 管理科學學報, 6(2), 135-156. (TSSCI)
Conference Papers
2016 Examining the Backpropagation Neural Network and the Theory of Planned Behavior Applied to Urban Female's Purchasing Psychological Intention of Organic Vegetable and Fruit which conference 
2015 A Structural Equation Model of Download Mobile Health Care Apps Attitude and Behavior: The Taiwan Experience. which conference 
2007 China's New Media Sectors: Domestic Culture as Competitive Advantage?, Ted Tschang, Creative Cities, Creative Economies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 16-18 October 2006; The International Forum on Media Technology Aesthetic Economy and Creative Industries, Kunsan University, 25-27 April 2007, Taipei
2007 Entrepreneurship and Industrial Cluster -Taipei's Wedding Photo Studio Cluster (with Tzyy-Jane Lay), The 2nd International Conference on Services Management, June 2007
2006 Competitive dynamics, global industry cycles, integration-responsiveness and performance in emerging and industrialized country markets (with Julius H. Johnson, Jr. Dinesh A. Mirchandani), the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 11-16, 2006, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2006 Cluster Effect and Entrepreneurship (with Tzyy-Jane Lay), SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2006, October 2006
2005 由群聚觀點探討國際動畫產業發展潛能, 中華民國科管年會, 2005年12月, (與賴子珍、韓明文) 中小企業產業群聚發展資源缺口之衡量--以台灣傢俱業為例, 中華民國科管年會, 2005年12月, (與賴子珍、洪緯典)
2005 How does R&D strategy matter for firm's patent renewal decision? Insights from the Fuel Cell technology (On the patent Duration and Patent Value Measurement, original title), July 5, 2005, 80th Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, USA, (with Tzyy-Jane Lay and Meng-Hsuan Wu)
2004 專利策略對企業無形資產價值之影響:以燃料電池產業為例,2004年國立台灣科技大學第三屆管理新思維學術研討會,台北,November 5, 2004 (與賴子珍、廖振宏)
2004 On the Subjective and Objective Patent Evaluation-Patent Information, Citations, and Maintenance, Bangkok International Conference on Applied Business Research, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1-3, 2004 (with Lay, Tzyy Jane)
2003 論直營與加盟選擇於連鎖經營之策略考量,2003年國立台灣科技大學第二屆管理新思維學術研討會,台北,December 7, 2003 (與陳俞蓉)
2003 學生社團參與滿意度之分析:以元智大學為例,2004學生事務與服務學習學術研討會,東吳大學,台北,2003年6月 (與吳和生,高孟婷,楊淑芬)
2003 A Patent Analysis Strategy for Technology Positioning and Company Competition-Case of PEM in Fuel Cell Application, 2003 Taiwan Fuel Cells Symposium, TaoYuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., 8 October 2003 (with Lay, Tzyy Jane)
2003 A Market Projection for Fuel Cell Technology Applications on Portable Devices, 2003 Taiwan Fuel Cells Symposium, TaoYuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., 8 October 2003 (with Lay, Tzyy Jane)
2003 Internet Click-Through and Product Information Searching Behavior, The ICEB Third International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 9-13, 2003 (with Wei-Chen Hsu)
2002 加油站複和式經營之可行性研究-以台北、桃園地區為例, 九十學年度大學院學生學術研討會, 世新大學 (黃玉凰, 黃哲俊, 張潔帆, May 2, 2002)
2002 The Impacts of Speculative Trading on Stock Return Volatility: The Evidence from Taiwan, 2002 APFA/PACAP/FMA Finance Conference in Tokyo (with辛敬文, 郭文忠, July 15, 2002)
2002 Internet Advertising: A Comparison of Pricing Strategy, The ICEB Second International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 10-13, 2002, and網路與知識經濟學術研討會,世新大學,Taipei, Taiwan, October, 12, 2002 (with Jung-Kuo Chuang)
2001 On the Policy Structure Changes and Impacts on IC Industries: Chinese Taipei 1929-1997, International Experts Seminar: Comparative Studies of the New Economy in Asia, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, 2001.
2000 論台商之國際化策略(與美國密蘇里大學之合作研究), Greater China Economy: 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2000.
2000 以合作賽局理論觀點試論技術授權之定價(與徐學忍),科技管理研討會,交通大學,2000
1997 Testing Asymmetric Bargaining Power in Cooperative Games (with L. Babcock, S. Roehrig and O. Davis), presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association, San Francisco. 1997.
1997 An Institution for Siting Public Facilities, presented at the International Conference of the Japan Public Choice Society / Chiba University of Commerce, 70th Anniversary Commemorative Lecture Meeting. 1997.
1996 A Game Inspired by Siting Hazardous Facilities (with S. Roehrig and O. Davis ) , presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association, Houston, and the INFORMS, Washington, D.C. 1996.
  Books / Chapters in Books 
2009 群聚發展協助中小企業提升價值 (2009),能力雜誌,645期,38-42
2008 Ted Tschang and Seng-Su Tsang (2008), “China’s New Media Sectors: Domestic Culture as Competitive Advantage?”  in GREAT CHINA'S QUEST FOR INNOVATION, edited by Henry S. Rowen, Marguerite Gong Hancock, and William F. Miller., published by Shorenstein APARC, Stanford University
2007 曾盛恕 (2007) ”群聚,提升新世代產業競爭力”,全新擁抱改變,經濟部中小企業處編印,148-157
2006 曾盛恕 (2006) ”由美國連鎖業者之開放加盟時距論經營知識累積之重要性與政策意涵”,台灣連鎖店年鑑(Taiwan Chain Store Almanac),台灣連鎖加盟協會
2004 曾盛恕 (2004 )”消費者觀點與公共政策”,燃料電池--新世紀能源, 林昇佃等編,滄海書局
1996 Tsang, S. (1996) "An Institution for Siting Hazardous Facilities," unpublished dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University
  Research projects 
2010 以社會補償現象探索影響角色廣度及組織公民行為的因子. 國科會研究計畫, 計畫主持人
Education / Professional Experiences
1997 PhD in Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
1989 中山大學企管碩士
1987 清華大學化學工程學士
  Honours / Awards
2014 2014 Highly Commended Paper award by Emerald Publishing
2013 2013台灣科技大學第五屆校園創意創業競賽第一名,團隊指導教師
2012 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會101年度護理研究成果競賽第二名
2011 Country representative, Workshop on Development of a Benchmarking Index for SMEs in the Service Sector focusing on the Retail and Food and Beverage Industries, Asian Productivity Organization, 19-23 December 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2010 國立台灣科大最佳專題獎指導老師,2010
1997 Invited speaker, the International Conference of the Japan Public Choice Society / Chiba University of Commerce, 70th Anniversary Commemorative Lecture Meeting. 1997
1989 Phi Tau Phi, 中山大學, 1989