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Pin Luarn |
Office: | T2 410-3 | |
Lab: | EcooLab (E-Commerce Lab), T2-409 | |
Office hours: | Please make an appointment first | |
Phone: | 886- 2 -2737-6754 | |
E-mail: | luarn@mail.ntust.edu.tw | |
Education: | PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US | |
Research: | e-Commerce, Internet Marketing | |
Courses: | e-commerce, Business Model Theory in e-Commerce, MIS |
Journal Papers | |
• Journal quality ranking according to The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC): A*: 6.9% A: 20.8% B: 28.4% C: 43.9% |
2018 | Pin Luarn, Hsien-Chih Kuo, Hong-Wen Lin (2018). "Analyzing User Preferences Using Facebook Fan Pages", Interfaces. 48:2 (2018) 166-175, https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2017.0919 (SSCI, IF=0.889), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2017 | Hong-Wen Lin, Pin Luarn and Yu-Ling Lin (2017). "Hierarchical Relationship of Negative Emotion Perception from Violent Video Games", Science, Technology & Society 22:2 (2017): 236–258, DOI: 10.1177/0971721817702281 (SSCI, IF=1.297), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2017 | Yihsiung Su, Pin Luarn, Yue-Shi Lee, Show-Jane Yen (2017). "Creating an invalid defect classification model using text mining on server development", The Journal of Systems and Software. 125 (2017) 197–206, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2016.12.005 (SCI, IF=2.444) |
2016 | Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu (2016). "Influence of Network Density on Information Diffusion on Social Network Sites: The Mediating Effects of Transmitter Activity", Information Development. June 2016 vol. 32 no. 3 389-397. (SSCI, IF=0.787) |
2016 | Pin Luarn, Peng Huang, I-Jen Chen, Yu-Ping Chiu (2016). "Motivations to engage in Word-of-Mouth behavior on Social Network Sites", Information Development. September 2016 vol. 32 no. 4 1253-1265. (SSCI, IF=0.787) |
2016 | Rebecca Cherng-Shiow Chang, Hsi-Peng Lu, Peishan Yang, Pin Luarn (2016). "Reciprocal Reinforcement Between Wearable Activity Trackers and Social Network Services in Influencing Physical Activity Behaviors", JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2016 Jul 5;4(3):e84. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.5637. (SCIE, IF=4.636) |
2015 | Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu (2015). "Key Variables to Predict Tie Strength on Social Network Sites", Internet Research, 25(2), 218 - 238. (SSCI, IF=3.017, Highly Commended Paper Award of 2015) NSC 101-2410-H-011-002, ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A |
2015 | Pin Luarn, Hsien-Chih Kuo, Yu-Ping Chiu, Shu-Chen Chang (2015). "Social Support on Facebook: The Influence of Tie Strength and Gender Differences", International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies. Vol.6, No.1, pp.37-50, 2015. (EI) NSC 101-2410-H-011-002. |
2015 | Pin Luarn, Jen-Chieh Yang, Yu-Ping Chiu (2015). "Why People Check-in: Motivation to Engage in Check-in Behavior", International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp.21-46, 2015. (SSCI, IF=1.55) NSC 101-2410-H-011-002, ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A |
2015 | Pin Luarn, Yu-Fan Lin, Yu-Ping Chiu (2015). "Influence of Facebook brand-page posts on online engagement", Online Information Review. 39, 4, 505 - 519 (2015). (SSCI, IF=1.443), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2014 | 欒斌、邱于平、趙光正 (2013)。故事行銷要素對Facebook中分享意願之影響,行銷評論,10(4),1-15 Link |
2014 | 欒斌、邱于平、楊荏傑、郭致妘 (2014)。全球品牌企業之社群媒體應用分析,電子商務研究,12(2),121-142 Link |
2014 | Chao-Ching Shih, Tom M. Y. Lin, Pin Luarn (2014). SSCI--"Fan-centric social media: The Xiaomi phenomenon in China", BUSINESS HORIZONS, May 2014, Vol. 57 Issue 3, p349. (SSCI, Impact Factor 1.42, 51/116, BUSINESS), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: C |
2014 | Fu-Yuan Chiang, Pin Luarn (2014). "Contractor Prequalification in Taiwan", Advanced Materials Research Vol. 905 (2014) pp 742-747 (EI) Link |
2014 | Pin Luarn, Jen-Chieh Yang, Yu-Ping Chiu (2014). "The network effect on information dissemination on social network sites", Computers in Human Behavior , Vol.37, 2014, 1–8. (SSCI, Impact Factor 2.273), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2014 | Sue-Ting Chang, Tom M. Y. Lin, Pin Luarn (2014) "The effects of word-of-mouth consistency on persuasiveness", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 31: 128–141 (2014)(SSCI, Impact Factor 0.547) |
2014 | Pin Luarn, Ai-Yun Hsieh (2014). "Speech or silence: The effect of user anonymity and member familiarity on the willingness to express opinions in virtual communities", Online Information Review. 38, 7, 881 - 895 (2014). (SSCI, IF=1.443, Highly Commended Paper Award of 2014), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2013 | Peng Huang, Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu, Jen-Chieh Yang (2013, Jan). EI--"The Sources of Emotional and Informational Support on Social Networking Sites", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 8(2), 462-468. (EI) |
2012 | Yu Fan Lin, Pin Luarn, Chang Yi Kao (2012), "A Production Capacity Management Platform Using M2M Horizontal Integration Technology in Connector Industry", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 220-223 期,pp.241-245. (EI) |
2012 | Hao-Chu Lin, Pin Luarn, Ren-Horng Ma, Chao-Wen Chen (2012), "Adaptive foresight modular design and dynamic adjustment mechanism: Framework and Taiwan case study", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp.1583–1591. (SSCI, Impact Factor 2.04), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A |
2011 | 陳苡任, 欒斌, 陳鳳滿 (2011), "順勢扭轉—奧地利國寶KTM自行車的再造", 中山管理評論, 第19卷第1期. (TSSCI) |
2010 | 欒斌, 詹博仁 (2010), "影響企業部落格瀏覽者行為意向因素之探討", 行銷評論, 7 卷4 期,pp.471-497. |
2010 | Juo, W.-J. and Luarn, P. (2010) "The Role of Trust in Technology within the TAM in the Context of NFC Mobile Payment", Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences., 31(4)pp.875-896. (EI) |
2009 | Luarn, P. and Huang, K.-L. (2009) "Factors Influencing Government Employee Performance via Information Systems Use: An Empirical Study", Electronic Journal of e-Government, Vol. 7(3), pp.227-240. (2011 年被收錄於聯合國公共行政網路UNPAN) |
2008 | Chan H.-H., Luarn, P.and Chan, I.-J. (2008), "The effects of B to C website characteristics on female shopping behaviors", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 43 (3-4), pp.132-133. (SSCI) |
2007 | Pin Luarn, Max I Jen Chen and Peter Kai Yang Lo (2007), "Critical success factors in introducing e-learning: user perspectives", International Journal of Information Technology and Management, Vol. 6, No. 2/3/4, pp. 209-231 |
2007 | Ching-Jong Liao, Chao-Tang Tseng, Pin Luarn (2007), "A Discrete Version of Particle Swarm Optimization for Flowshop Scheduling Problems", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 34, 3099 – 3111 (SCI, Impact Factor 1.718 本篇為高引用論文,被引用次數354次), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A |
2006 | Hsin-Hui Lin & Pin Luarn (2006), "顧客導向觀點之行動服務系統成功概念模式", 行銷評論, 3 卷1 期,pp.609-632. Link |
2006 | Yi-Shun Wang, Hsin-Hui Lin & Pin Luarn(2006), "Predicting Consumer Intention to Use Mobile Service", Information Systems Journal, Vol. 16, pp.157–179(SSCI, Impact Factor 1.33本篇為高引用論文,被引用次數368次), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A* |
2006 | Pin Luarn, Max I Jen Chen and Peter Kai Yang Lo (2006), "An Exploratory Study of the Critical Success Factors of One-to-One Web-Marketing: User Perspectives", Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 5(3), pp. 147-178 |
2005 | Pin, Luarn, Tom, M. Y. Lin, Peter, K. Y. Lo (2005), "Non-enforceable Implementation of Enterprise Mobilization - an Exploratory Study of the Critical Success Factors", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 105, No. 6, pp. 786-814. (SCI, Impact Factor 1.504 ) |
2005 | Tom M.Y. Lin, Pin Luarn and Yun Kuei Huang (2005), "Effect of Internet Book Reviews on Purchase Intention: A Focus Group Study", The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 31, Number 5, pp. 461–468. (SSCI, Impact Factor 1.034) |
2005 | Pin Luarn & Hsin-Hui Lin (2005),"Toward an Understanding of the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Banking", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.21, 873–891 (SSCI, Impact Factor 2.27,本篇為高引用論文,被引用次數880次), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2004 | Lin, M. Y. , Luarn, P. and Lo, K. Y. (2004), "Internet Market Segmentation-An Exploratory Study of Critical Success Factors," Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Volume 22 No.6; pp.601-622. |
2004 | 欒斌, 李靜怡 (2004), "手機使用者對手機行動上網之創新抵制來源因素探討", 行銷評論, 1 卷1 期,pp.21-36. |
2003 | Luarn, P. and Lin, H. H. (2003), "A Customer Loyalty Model for E-Service Context," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 4(4), 156-167. (SSCI, Impact Factor 0.72, 本篇為高引用論文,被引用次數273次), , ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: B |
2003 | Luarn, P., Lin, M. Y. and Lo, K. Y. (2003), "An Exploratory Study of Advancing Mobilization in the Life Insurance Industry: The Case of Taiwan' Nan Shan Life Insurance Corporation,"Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 297-310. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.690), ABDC Journal Quality List Rating: A Link |
Conference Papers | |
2017 | Pin Luarn*, Hong-Wen Lin, & Ya-Cing Jhan. (2017, Jul). Analysis of potential consumer demand for wristband smart devices. 27th International Conference on the Pacific Rim Management, California, USA. |
2016 | Pin Luarn, Hong-Wen Lin, & Ya-Cing Jhan. (2016, Jul). What do fans want? Categorizing the preferences of Facebook fan page users. 2016 International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E), Boston, USA. |
2015 | Pin Luarn, & Yu-Ping Chiu. (2015, Jul). Social recommendations for facebook brand pages. International Conference on Internet Studies, Tokyo, Japan. MOST 103-2410-H-011-007. |
2014 | Pin Luarn, Jen-Chieh Yang, Yu-Ping Chiu (2014 January). An Exploratory Study of the Motives Engaged in the Dissemination of Social Word-of-Mouth via Mobile Device. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii. |
2014 | Pin Luarn and Yu-Ping Chiu (2014). The Advertising Effectiveness on Mobile Advergame: Competitive Advergame and Social Advergame. International Conference on the Pacific Rim Management. Rosemead, California, USA. |
2014 | Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu, and Shu-Chen Chang (2014). The boundary of social network size on Facebook. International Conference on Internet Studies, Singapore. |
2013 | Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu, Jen-Chieh Yang (2013 July). Network effect: Information diffusion in social networking site. International Conference on the Pacific Rim Management. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. |
2013 | 欒斌、林玉凡、邱于平、楊荏傑、吳珮瑜、陳虹君(2013)。探討關鍵粉絲之訊息偏好-以X百貨之Facebook粉絲專頁為例。第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,國立台中科技大學。 |
2013 | 欒斌、林玉凡、邱于平、楊荏傑、陳定群、宋柏頡(2013)。探討Facebook粉絲專頁經營者發佈訊息之效果-以呈現方式、呈現內容與呈現時間為研究。2013管理新思維學術研討會,國立台灣科技大學。 |
Research Projects | |
2017 | 何謂高度熱門貼文? 建構Facebook粉絲專頁貼文熱門程度準則之運算模式(106-2410-H-011-007-), Ministry of Science and Technology |
2016 | 物聯網智慧型裝置使用者潛在需求與創新商業模式之探討(105-2410-H-011-007-), Ministry of Science and Technology |
2016 | 4G社群口碑族群研析計畫, Information Industry Promotion Council |
2016 | 4G線上影音消費偏好族群分析, Information Industry Promotion Council |
2015 | 應用Facebook粉絲專頁內容建構社群網站推薦機制(104-2410-H-011-015-), Ministry of Science and Technology |
2015 | 物聯網智慧感測裝置之使用者 客製化服務平台, Foxlink Precision Industrial Co, (Co-Investigator) |
2014 | 人際關係發展階段對Facebook 互動行為之影響(103-2410-H-011-007-), Ministry of Science and Technology |
2013 | 影響行動行銷效果之研究-以行動式廣告遊戲探討 (NSC 102-2410-H-011-012), Ministry of Science and Technology |
2012 | 社群網路的群聚性、連結強度與資訊傳遞效果之研究 (NSC 101-2410-H-011-002), Ministry of Science and Technology |
Books | |
2017 | 欒斌、陳苡任(2017)。 應用與科技發展。滄海出版社, 台灣 |
2016 | 欒斌、陳苡任(2016)。網路行銷:理論、實務與CEO證照.滄海出版社, 台灣 |
Honors and Awards | |
2024 | 2024 World’s Top 2% Scientists |
2024 | 113th Teacher's Award by Ministry of Education |
2023 | 2023 World’s Top 2% Scientists |
2015 | “Highly Commended Paper Award of 2015” for the article “Key Variables to Predict Tie Strength on Social Network Sites", Internet Research” by the publisher Emerald. |
2014 | “Highly Commended Paper Award of 2014” for the article “Speech or silence: The effect of user anonymity and member familiarity on the willingness to express opinions in virtual communities” by the publisher Emerald. |
2009 | NTUST Teaching Excellence Award |
Education, Professional Experience | |
2016 | 國立台灣科技大學 管理學院院長 |
2014 | Babson College/Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators |
2011 | 國立台灣科技大學 管理學院副院長/EMBA執行長. |
2009 | 國立台灣科技大學 學務長 |
2006 | Harvard Business School Program for Case Method & Participant Centered Learning |
2000 | 趨勢科技、長榮航空、元大證券、大華證券、台新銀行、華信銀行、公賣局、中華工程、工研院、調查局、台北之音等企業與機構演講 |
1996 | 思訊電腦、嘉寶自然實業、衛普電腦台、台灣電力公司等企業顧問。 |
1995 | 衛普電腦台「大競技場」、「科技三國誌」、「電腦科技廣場」、「科技零時差」主持人。 |
1994 | 空中商專「辦公室自動化」主講教授 |
1993 | PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1990 | 美國威爾康辛大學研究助理, Research Associate, University of Wisconsin, US |
1990 | University of Wisconsin-Madison M. S. IE |
1988 | 長庚醫院電腦處程式設計師 |