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Chii-Shyan Kuo |
Office: | MA-Building 502 | |
Lab: | Financial Accounting Lab, MA504 | |
Office hours: | 二 14:30-15:30 Tue 四 14:30-15:30 Thu | |
Phone: | 886-2-2737-6728 | |
E-mail: | cooper@mail.ntust.edu.tw | |
Education: | PhD in Accounting, University of Texas, Arlington, US | |
Research: | The role of accounting numbers in firm contracts and valuation, Causes and consequences of accounting choices, Executive compensation and performance | |
Courses: | Accounting Principles, Cost Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Seminar on Financial Accounting Theory, and Linear Models |
Journal Papers | |
2023 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the 2018 Tax Reform in Taiwan. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 26, No. 1. 2350007. (34 pages) [Scopus; EconLit] (MOST 108-2410-H-011-003-). |
2022 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan (2022) Family firms, tax avoidance, and socioemotional wealth: evidence from tax reform in Taiwan. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 58(4): 1535-1572. [NSC Ranking: A Tier-2, ABI, EconLit, FLI] (MOST 107-2410-H-011-001) |
2022 | Kuo, Chii-Shyan, Jia-Jye Yu*, and Feng-Chen Chang (2022) Revenue recognition and channel stuffing in the Taiwanese semiconductor industry. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41310-022-00147-3. [Scopus] |
2021 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Feng-Chen Chang, Zoey Chang, and Shih-Ti Yu (2021) Earnings and Capital Adequacy Ratio Management of Banks in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics 109: 169-213. (in Chinese) [TSSCI] |
2020 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Chandra Subramaniam, Xu Wang, and Shih-Ti Yu (2020). Adoption of performance-vested equity incentives under investor pressure: window dressing or taking the window of opportunity? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 54: 565-587. [NSC Ranking: A Tier-2, ABI, EconLit, FLI] (NSC 98-2410-H-007-008) |
2019 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Shih-Ti Yu, and Tzu-Ning Peng (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility, Real Activities Manipulation, and Signaling for Future Performance: Evidence from Meeting Earnings Benchmarks. Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 1-46. (TSSCI). (MOST 104-2410-H-011-001) (2019 RSFM Excellent Paper Award) |
2018 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu (2018). CEO pay-for-performance relation: asymmetric or symmetric? Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics, No. 103, Pages 1-43. (TSSCI). (MOST 103-2410-H-011-032) |
2017 | Li*, Leon and Kuo, Chii-Shyan (2017). CEO equity compensation and earnings management: The role of growth opportunities. Finance Research Letters, Volume 20, Pages 289-295. (SSCI, Impact factor 2015: 0.480) |
2016 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Ji-Liang Syue (2016). Market valuation of imputation credit account: Evidence from Taiwan. Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Volume 7, Pages 117-140 (NSC Ranking: B/ Finance). |
2016 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Xu Wang, and Shih-Ti Yu (2016) Investor Perception of Managerial Discretion in Valuing Stock Options: An Empirical Examination. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Volume 47, No. 3, Pages 733- 773. [NSC Ranking: A Tier-2, ABI, EconLit, FLI] |
2015 | Han*, Chuan-Hsiang, Chien-Hung Chang, Chii-Shyan Kuo, and Shih-Ti Yu (2015) Robust hedging performance and volatility risk in option markets: Application to Standard and Poor's 500 and Taiwan index options. International Review of Economics and Finance 40: 160-173. [SSCI, FLI, Impact Factor 2015: 1.846]. |
2014 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu (2014) The effects of firm characteristics and recognition policy on employee stock option prices after controlling for self-selection. Annals of Financial Economics 9 (2):1440003 (30 pages). [EconLit] |
2014 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Shih-Ti Yu and Che-Ching Liao (2014) An analysis of stock repurchases transaction using a panel data sample selection model. Annals of Financial Economics, 9 (1): 1450003 (24 pages). [EconLit] |
2014 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu (2014) Remuneration Committee, Board Independence and Top Executive Compensation. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 7: 28-44. [EconLit] |
2013 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan, Jow-Ran Chang and Shih-Ti Yu (2013) Effect of mandatory pro forma earnings disclosure on relation between CEO share bonuses and firm performance. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 40 (2): 189-215. [NSC Ranking: A Tier-2, ABI, EconLit, FLI] |
2013 | Kuo, Chii-Shyan, Ming-Yuan Leon Li* and Shang-En Yu (2013) Non-uniform effects of CEO equity-based compensation on firm performance- An application of a panel threshold regression model. The British Accounting Review 45 (3): 203-214. [SSCI, NSC Ranking: A-] |
2013 | Kuo, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu* (2013) The non-uniform pricing effect of employee stock options using quantile regression. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 26: 400-415. [SSCI] |
2013 | Kuo, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu* (2013) The non-uniform pricing effect of employee stock options using quantile regression. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 26: 400-415. [SSCI, Impact factor: 0.825] |
2013 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Shih-Ti Yu (2013) The market valuation of employee stock option expense–evidence from Taiwan. Review of Securities and Futures Markets 25 (1): 115-158. [TSSCI] |
2012 | Yu, Shang-En Shine and Chii-Shyan Kuo* (2012) How do capital and size affect bank profitability? A quantile regression approach. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting 10: 63-82. [NSC Ranking: B+, EconLit, FLI] |
2012 | Kuo*, Chii-Shyan and Ming-Yuan Leon Li (2012) Management of employee stock option pricing model input assumptions. Taiwan Accounting Review 8 (1): 1-28. [2017 NSC Ranking: TSSCI] |
2010 | Chang*, Jow-Ran, Chii-Shyan Kuo and Yu-Chun Tseng (2010) The effect on intra-industry rivals when firms emerge from and refile for Chapter 11 bankruptcies. Corporate Ownership and Control 8 (1): 402-414. [EconLit] |
Education / Professional Experiences | |
Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | |
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | |
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Accounting, National Cheng Kung University | |
PhD in Accounting, University of Texas, Arlington, TX, USA | |
Supervising – Senior Auditor, KPMG, Taiwan |