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Couchen Wu


Couchen Wu

Office:  MA-Building 512
Lab:  Marketing and Artificial Intelligence Lab; MA-504
Office hours: Please make an appointment first
Phone: 886-2-2737-6751
E-mail:  ccwu@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Education: PhD in Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley
Research:  Brand Management, High-Tech Marketing, Strategic Marketing
Courses:  Brand Management, High-Tech Marketing, Strategic Marketing
  Journal Papers
  Wu, Couchen, Hsiu-Li, Chen, "A Stochastic Model for Forecasting Company Sales for Service Industries," under review
Wu, Couchen, "A General Framework to Evaluate the Influence of Marketing Variable on Market Share of Service Industries," under reviewed by Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
Wu, Couchen, "Allocate Your advertising Expenditures on What, When and How," under review.
Wu, Couchen, Shu-Ing Wu, "A New Market Segmentation Variable for Product Design-Functional Requirements," under review by European Journal of Marketing.
Wu, Couchen, "Analysing the Consequence of Learning on Brand Choice, Firm Sales and Market Share," under review by International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Wu, Couchen, "Predicting Pirm Sales: A General Framework with New Customers and Their Initial Purchase Behaviors," under review
Wu, Couchen, Shu-Ing Wu, "Predicting the Brand-Choice behavior in the International Flight Category," under review by Journal of Marketing Management.
  Conference Papers
  Research projects 
1996 吳克振,「廣告最適排其之研究」,國科會專題計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC85-2416-H011-003 (1996)
1993 吳克振,「銀行服務效率評估之一新方法」,國科會專題計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC82-0301-H011-011 (1993)
  Education / Professional Experiences
1991 PhD in Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley
Wu, Couchen, "Analysis of Discrete Queueing Network Models of Communication Systems," unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA (1991)