



研究室:  MA-408
實驗室:  腦科學與創業行銷實驗室, MA-401
Office hours: 四 10:00-12:00 Thu (請先email聯繫)
電話: 886-2-2737-6732
E-mail:  hcwang1@gmail.com
最高學歷: 英國卡地夫大學行銷與策略博士
研究範疇:  ESG設計與企業品牌定位策略、新創企業行銷策略、虛實通路與溝通策略、創意商品開發與顧客價值策略、腦科學與智慧行銷策略
講授課程:  行銷溝通策略與實作、創意思維實作 、建構優質商業模式
現任:  臺灣科技大學企業管理系專任教授
2023 Hui-Chih Wang, Rachael Ehianeta & Her-Sen Doong* (2023), Students’ Online Evaluation of Teaching and System Continuance Usage Intention: New Directions from a Multidisciplinary Perspective, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(8), 1295-1309. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Education) 
2023 Afred Suci, Hui-Chih Wang*, Her-Sen Doong (2023), Relax Your Fear-The Role of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) in Green Advertising, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 75, 103479. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Business)
2023 Afred Suci, Hui-Chih Wang* (2023), Can Whimsically Cute Packaging Overcome Young Consumer Product Unfamiliarity? Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 41(5), 574-592. (SSCI, Ranked Q3 in Business).
2022 Afred Suci, Hui-Chih Wang*, Her-Sen Doong (2022), Parent-like Spokesperson for Campaigning an Anti-Plastic Straw Movement to Young Adults: Is It Effective? Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI, Ranked Q3 in Psychology).
2022 Afred Suci, Hui-Chih Wang*, Her-Sen Doong (2022), Promoting a Heritage Product to Domestic Youth Markets: Should It Be Localized? International Journal of Emerging Markets (SSCI, Ranked Q2 in Economics).
2022 Afred Suci, Hui-Chih Wang* (2022), Green Advertising: Examining the Effects of Appeal Arrangement on Young Indonesian Consumers’ Green Attitudes and Buying Intention. Asian Journal of Communication (SSCI, Ranked Q2 in Communication).
2014 Hui-Chih Wang* (2014). Distinguishing the Adoption of Business Intelligence Systems from Their Implementation: The Role of Managers' Personality Profiles. Behaviour & Information Technology, 33(10), 1082-1092. (SSCI, Ranked Q2 in Computer Science, Cybernetics).
2013 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong* (2013). Revisiting the Task-Media Fit Circumflex: A Further Examination of Negotiation Tasks. Information and Management, 51(6), 738–746. (SSCI, Rank Q1 in Information Science & Library Science)
2012 Her-Sen Doong, Hui-Chih Wang, and Rob Law (2012). An Examination of the Determinants of In-Flight Duty-Free Shopping: Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14 (3), 159-161. (SSCI, Rank Q2 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism)
2011 Her-Sen Doong, Hui-Chih Wang and Gordon Foxall (2011). An Investigation of Consumers’ Webstore Shopping: A View of Click-and-Mortar Company. International Journal of Information Management, 31 (3), 210–216. (SSCI, Rank Q1 in Information Science & Library Science).
2011 Her-Sen Doong and Hui-Chih Wang (2011). Do Males and Females Differ in How They Perceive and Elaborate on Agent-Based Recommendations in Internet-Based Selling? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10, 595-604. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Computer Science, Information Systems).
2010 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong (2010). Online Customers’ Cognitive Differences and Their Impact on the Success of Recommendation Agents. Information & Management, 47, 109-114. (SSCI, Rank Q1 in Information Science & Library Science).
2010 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong (2010). Does Government Effort or Citizen Wordof-Mouth Determine e-Government Service Diffusion? Behaviour & Information Technology, 29 (4), 415-422. (SSCI, Ranked Q2 in Computer Science, Cybernetics)
2010 Hui-Chih Wang, Her-Sen Doong and Gordon Foxall (2010). Consumers’ Intentions to Remain Loyal to Online Reputation Systems. Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 9, 887-897. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Psychology, Applied),
2010 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong (2010). Diffusion of Mobile Music Service in Taiwan: An Empirical Investigation of Influence Sources. Management Decision, 48, 1378-1387. (SSCI, Ranked Q3 in Management)
2010 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong (2010). Argument Form and Spokesperson Type: The Recommendation Strategy of Virtual Salespersons. International Journal of Information Management, 30 (6), 493-501. (SSCI, Rank Q1 in Information Science & Library Science)..
2010 Her-Sen Doong, Hui-Chih Wang and Gordon Foxall (2010). Psychological Traits and Loyalty Intentions towards e-Government Services. International Journal of Information Management, 30, 457-464. (SSCI, Rank Q1 in Information Science & Library Science).
2010 Hui-Chih Wang and Her-Sen Doong (2010). Nine Issues for Internet-based Survey Research in Service Industries. Service Industries Journal, 30, 2387-2399. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management)
2009 Her-Sen Doong and Hui-Chih Wang (2009). Predictors of Diverse Usage Behaviour towards Personal Knowledge Management Systems. Online Information Review, 33(2), 316-328. (SSCI, Rank Q2 in Information Science & Library Science).
2008 Her-Sen Doong*, Hui-Chih Wang, and Rob Law (2008). An Initial Investigation of the Effect of Advertisement and Word-of-month on First-time Visitors to Hong Kong. Journal of Air Transport Management, 14 (3), 159-161. (SSCI, Ranked Q2 in Transportation)
2008 Her-Sen Doong, Hui-Chih Wang, and Hui-Chin Shih, Exploring Loyalty Intention in the Electronic Marketplace, Electronic Markets, 8 (2), 2008, 142-149. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management)
2007 John Pallister, Hui-Chih Wang, and Gordon Foxall* (2007, Jan). An Application of the Style/Involvement Model to Financial Services. Technovation, 27, 77-88. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management).
2006 Hui-Chih Wang, John Pallister and Gordon Foxall* (2006), Innovativeness and Involvement as Determinants of Website Loyalty: I. A Test of the Style/Involvement Model in the Context of Internet Buying, Technovation, 26 (12), pp1357-1365. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management)
2006 Hui-Chih Wang, John Pallister and Gordon Foxall* (2006), Innovativeness and Involvement as Determinants of Website Loyalty: II. Determinants of Consumer Loyalty in B2C E-commerce, Technovation, 26 (12), pp1366-1373. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management)
2006 Hui-Chih Wang, John Pallister and Gordon Foxall* (2006). Innovativeness and Involvement as Determinants of Website Loyalty: III. Theoretical and Managerial Contribution. Technovation, 26 (12), 1374-1383. (SSCI, Ranked Q1 in Management).
獲獎 / 榮譽
2012 國立交通大學年輕學者增能研究獎
2011 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 2011-2014
2009 國立中正大學年輕學者研究獎
2008 溫世仁基金會服務科學研究新苗獎