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江藍龍 |
研究室: | MA-204 | |
實驗室: | E2E 未來行銷實驗室,MA-401 | |
Office hours: | 三 11:00~12:00 Wed, 四 14:00~15:00 Thu(or make an appointment) | |
電話: | 886-2-2737-6734 | |
E-mail: | luke114ba@mail.ntust.edu.tw | |
最高學歷: | 美國愛荷華州立大學行銷博士 | |
研究範疇: | 影響力行銷(Influencer Marketing),全球休閒產業暨旅遊行銷, 國際行銷, 中小企業行銷績效, 永續行銷, 消費者體驗/行為, 運動行銷 | |
講授課程: | 創新休閒行銷, 行為科學理論管理, 國際行銷, 全通路商業模式, 零售產業專題, 商場經營管理, 國際行銷管理, 數位科技行銷, 運動行銷, 消費者旅程設計 |
期刊論文 | |
2021 | Chiang, L., Wu, S., & *Chen, H. (2021). 喜餅遲到了. 中山管理評論, 29(4), 593–616(為TSSCI 第一級核心期刊) |
2021 | Chen, H., *Chiang, L., & Wu, S. (2020). Understanding the New Marketing Channels in the Retailing Industry – A Case of Yuan Yuan Fang. 中山管理評論, 28(4), 625–652(為TSSCI 第一級核心期刊) |
2020 | Fan, L., & *Chiang, L. (2020). Revision of Funk's motivation scale for baseball fans. Bulletin of Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan, 20(1), 47–67(為TSSCI一級期刊) |
2018 | Kim, J., *Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2018). Online advertisement strategies in tourism industry-A reactance theory perspective. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 32(10), 29-38. |
2017 | *Chiang, L., Kim, J., & Tang, L. (2017). Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance towards Online Advertising in Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 6(3), 1-7. |
2017 | Kim, E., *Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2017). Investigating wellness tourists’motivation, engagement, and loyalty: in search of the missing link. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(7), 867-879. (SSCI). |
2016 | Tseng, F., & *Chiang, L. (2016). Why does customer co-creation improve new travel product performance? Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2309-2317 (SSCI, 2014 JCR 5-year impact factor: 2.324). |
2015 | Manthiou, A., Kang, J., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2015). Investigating the Effects of Memorable Experiences: an Extended Model of Script Theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(3), 362-379 (SSCI). |
2015 | Lee, S., Manthiou, A., Jeong, M., Tang, L., & Chiang, L. (2015). Does Consumers' Feeling Affect Their Quality of Life? Roles of Consumption Emotion and Its Consequences. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 409-416. (SSCI, 2015 impact factor: 1.095) |
2014 | Tang, L., Jang, S., & *Chiang, L. (2014). Website Processing Fluency: Its Impacts on Information Trust, Satisfaction, and Destination Attitude. Tourism Analysis, 19(1), 111-116. (ABDC Rank = A) |
2014 | Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Tang, L., Shin, J., & Morrison, A. (2014). A Comparative study of generational preferences for trip-planning resources: A case study of international tourists in Shanghai. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1), 78-99. (PRJ) |
2014 | Manthiou, A., Lee, S., Tang, L., & Chiang, L. (2014). The experience economy approach to festival marketing: Vivid memory and attendee loyalty. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1),22-35 (SSCI). |
2013 | Manthiou, A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2013). Identifying and Responding to Customer Needs on Facebook Fan Pages. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 9(3), 36-52. (EI) |
2012 | Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Tang, L., Shin, J., & Morrison, A. (2012). Investigate information sources used by international tourists at different age groups in Fiji. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(3), 20-46. (PRJ) |
2012 | Tang, L., Manthiou, A., Morrison, A., Shin, J., & Chiang, L. (2012). A Holistic Approach to Activity Preference Patterns: International Tourists and Their Visits to Shanghai, China. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(1), 107-136. |
研討會論文 | |
2019 | Chiang, L., & Nguyen, T. L. (2019). Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction Proceedings of 22th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2019. |
2018 | Chiang, L., & Yang, Y. (2018). Investigating festival impacts and subject well-being among local residents: in search of the missing link. 47th European Marketing Academy Conference 2018 (EMAC 2018), May 29- June 1, Glasgow, UK. |
2017 | Fan. L. & Chiang, L. (2017). EXPLORING FESTIVAL IMPACTS AND VISITORS’ QUALITY OF LIFE. 46th European Marketing Academy Conference 2017 (EMAC 2017), 23rd-26th May, Groningen, Netherlands. |
2016 | Pham, N., & Chiang, L. Investigate the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer’s Psychological Reactance Towards Online Advertising – A Study in Tourism Context. Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) - Annual Conference, Virgina, U.S.A., March, 2016 (Best Student Presentation Award). |
2016 | Chou C.Y., Chiang, L., Wu, H.-Y. & Huang, Y.-T. The relationship between intercustomer social support and consumer well-being: an extended framework of servicescape. Proceedings of 19th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - World Marketing Congress Conference, France, July, 2016. |
2015 | Chiang, L., Kim, J., Tang, L., & Bosselman, R. Exploring Agritoursim Entrepreneurship Strategies:Antecedents and Consequences. Proceedings of 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Conference, Taiwan, July, 2015. |
2015 | Chiang, L., & Manthiou A. Toward a deeper understanding of fandom: Effects of self-expansion theory on consumer intentions. Proceedings of 44th EMAC Conference, Belgium, May 26-29, 2015 (MOST 104-2914-I-155 -002 -A1). |
2014 | Chiang, L., Manthiou A., & Tang, L. To investigate antecedents of international tourists’ place attachment and its relationships with memories and post-behavioral intentions: the case of Seoul City. Proceedings of 17th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - World Marketing Congress Conference, Peru, August, 2014 (NSC 102-2410-H-155 -050) |
研究計畫 | |
探究零售商永續行銷發展之關鍵因素–以綠色供應鏈聯盟之共生架構為例(111-2410-H-155-007) | |
探討以制度基礎、資源基礎與社會交換理論與零售商永續行銷發展關聯性(110-2410-H-155-017) | |
探究自我肯定與社會認同理論對女性單獨旅行經驗及社群行為之影響(109-2410-H-155 -021) | |
從社會認同理論觀點探究遊客認知價值及後續行為意圖之相互關係(107-2410-H-155-020) | |
消費者對網路旅遊廣告的自覺感受,決策心理及未來行為意圖之關聯模式研究:抗拒理論觀點(106-2410-H-155-008) | |
以”Mehrabian-Russell模型”應用探究消費者之自我概念及記憶與節慶活動關係持續機制(105-2410-H-155-028) | |
以節慶行銷活動探究消費者情感、地方依附與記憶對消費者未來行為意圖及生活品質效益之影響–聯想模式之建構與實證研究(102-2410-H-155-050) | |
桃園機場暨采盟免稅店顧客滿意度調查案 | |
106學年度補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫「新零售4.0產業暨創業學程」(勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署) | |
TYC-Campus 創新產業人才培育發展計畫(桃園市政府青年事務局) | |
行動行銷服務與解決方案實證(工研院) | |
大數據中心–智慧零售計畫 | |
桃園青年創業聚落服務調查(桃園市政府經濟發展局) | |
經濟部學界開發產業技術計畫「策略服務業之創新與發展研究4年計畫(第2期/第4年度) (財團法人資訊工業策進會) | |
103年度台灣自來水公司第一區管理處顧客滿意度調查(台灣自來水股份有限公司第一區管理處) | |
桃園縣地方產業創新研發推動計畫(地方型SBIR) | |
學歷 / 經歷 | |
元智大學管理學院行銷學群召集人 | |
元智大學管理學院教務處招生組長 | |
元智大學管理學院行銷學群副教授;助理教授 | |
美國愛荷華州立大學行銷學系 講師 | |
IT 產業產品經理(Project manager) ,資深行銷專員 | |
獲獎 / 榮耀 | |
2024 | 行動郵局APP影音創作暨AI行銷科技競賽 佳作 團隊指導教師 |
2017 | 成都海峽兩岸青年創新創業大賽」二等獎 團隊指導教師 |
2016 | 龍巖盃校園企業經營創意競賽 佳作 團隊指導教師 |