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成力庚 |
研究室: | MA-508-1 | |
實驗室: | 人機互動與資料科學實驗室,MA-509-1 | |
Office hours: | 五 12:00~14:00 Fri | |
電話: | 886-2-2737-3710 | |
E-mail: | lkcheng@mail.ntust.edu.tw | |
最高學歷: | 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 博士 | |
研究範疇: | 人機互動、科技行銷 | |
講授課程: | 服務科技與體驗行銷、數位轉型與品牌傳播專題、大數據行銷 |
期刊論文 | |
2024 | Li-Keng Cheng (2024, Apr). Effect of advertisement focus on donation intention. Journal of Marketing Communications, Published online. (Scopus, 73/215, Marketing). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者 |
2024 | Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung (2024, Apr). Consumer reactions to attacks against cherished brands. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. (Accepted). (SSCI, 66/215, Marketing). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者 |
2024 | Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung (2024, Jan). Effects of interaction between brand positioning and chatbot conversational style on perceived fit and brand attitudes. Psychology & Marketing, online published. (Accepted). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
2022 | Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang (2022, Dec). Virtual tourism atmospheres: The effects of pleasure, arousal, and dominance on the acceptance of virtual tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 53, 143-152. (SSCI, 15/129,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management). 本人為第一作者. |
2022 | Li-Keng Cheng (2022, Nov). Effects of service robots' anthropomorphism on consumers' attribution toward and forgiveness of service failure. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Published Online. (Accepted). (SSCI, 79/298, Social Psychology). nstc 111-2410-H-152-031-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
2022 | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng (2022, May). Predicting intention of residential solar installation: The role of ecological lifestyle, consumer innovativeness, perceived benefit, government incentives, and solar product knowledge. Energy & Environment, Published Online. (SSCI, 64/161, Environmental Engineering). 本人為通訊作者. SSCI, 2021 Impact factor=2.945.. |
2022 | Li-Keng Cheng (2022, Jan). The effects of smartphone assistants' anthropomorphism on consumers' psychological ownership and perceived competence of smartphone assistants. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Published Online. (SSCI). MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. . |
2021 | Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang, Shou-Yu Yang (2021, Nov). Attitude toward 5G: The moderating effect of regulatory focus. Technology in Society, Published Online. (Accepted). (SSCI, 10 /110, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary). 本人為第一作者. |
2021 | Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung, (2021, Oct). Are celebrities accountable for the misconduct of their fans?. Psychology & Marketing, 39, 2, 402-419. MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
2021 | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng, Pi-Chuan Sun, Yi Shiuan Jiang, Hsin Hua Lin (2021, Apr). Relationship among social tactics, job embeddedness, and affective commitment in newcomers: the moderating effect of workplace spirituality. Journal of Management & Organization. (Accepted). (SSCI, 151/226). 本人為通訊作者. |
2021 | Cheng, Li-Keng, Hsien-Long Huang, and Ching-Chi Lai (2021, Mar). Continuance Intention in Running Apps: The Moderating Effect of Relationship Norms. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. (Accepted). (SSCI, 2021 impact factor=2.94). 本人為第一作者 |
2021 | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng, Pi-Chuan Sun, Szu-Jung Chou (2021, Feb). The Effects of Perceived Identity Threat and Realistic Threat on the Negative Attitudes and Usage Intentions Toward Hotel Service Robots: The Moderating Effect of the Robot’s Anthropomorphism. International Journal of Social Robotics. (SCIE). 本人為通訊作者.. |
2020 | Cheng, Li-Keng, Toung, Chung-Lin (2020, Dec). More Fluency of the Mental Imagery, More Effective?. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(1), 1-24. (SSCI, 107/152, BUSINESS). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
2020 | Chih-Wei Lin; Li-Keng Cheng; Lei-Yu Wu (2020, Jun). Roles of strategic orientations in radical product innovation. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(1), 33-47. (SSCI, 96/152). 本人為通訊作者. |
2021 | 蘇威傑、成力庚(2021年01月)。綠色產品資訊一定增加購買意願嗎?以輕忽道德與綠色知曉的調節式中介效果為例。管理評論,40(1)。本人為通訊作者。 |
2014 | Cheng, L.-K., Chieng, M.-H., & Chieng, W.-H. (2014). Measuring virtual experience in a three-dimensional virtual reality interactive simulator environment: A structural equation modeling approach. Virtual Reality, 1–16. (Virtual Reality September 2014, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 173–188) (SCI, IF=1.375) . 本人為第一作者. |
研討會論文 | |
2023 | Li-Keng Cheng (2023, Apr). Should I Choose a Human Financial Advisor or a Robo-Advisor?. 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference, San Francisco. nstc 111-2410-H-152-031-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
2023 | Li-Keng Cheng and Chung-Lin Toung (2023, Feb). When “my own” brand is attacked. 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN + Virtual Accommodations. nstc 111-2410-H-152-031-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.. |
2021 | Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung, Siang-Yi Li, Chen Pinting (2021, Aug). Can celebrity be liable for fans' misbehavior?. 2021 AMA Summer Academic Conference, virtual event. MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.. |
2020 | Li-Keng Cheng, Hong-Wei Liao, Pei-Yu Chen (2020, Nov). Service Robot’s Anthropomorphism Levels and the Attribution effect in Service Failure. 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference, virtual event. MOST 109-2410-H-036-003-MY2. (本人為第一作者、通訊作者). |
2019 | Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung, Hsien-Long Huang, Yi-Shan Lin, Hong-Wei Liao, Pei-Yu Chen (2019, Dec). The Interaction Effects between Fear Appeals and Consideration of Future Consequences on Imagery Fluency and Purchase Intention. 2020 AMS World Marketing Congress, The University of Queensland. MOST 108-2410-H-036-001. (本人為第一作者). |
2019 | Li-Keng Cheng and Yi-Shan Lin (2019, Nov). Effect of Nostalgic Advertising on Psychological Ownership and Purchase Intention: Moderating Effect of Consumers’ Subjective Knowledge. 2020 Winter AMA, San Diego, CA. MOST 108-2410-H-036-001. (本人為第一作者、通訊作者) |
研究計畫 | |
夥伴或是僕人? 聊天機器人的地位對會員忠誠方案接受度與口碑分享的影響 : 支配感受與權力距離信念的中介效果(NSTC 111-2410-H-152 -031 -MY3),國科會。 | |
智慧型手機AI助理的擬人化程度對消費者服務滿意度與服務失敗原諒的影響: 心理所有權及歸因的中介效果與關係規範的調節效果 (MOST 109-2410-H-152 -033 -MY2) ,國科會。 | |
簡則論點對消費者思考推敲程度及品牌延伸的影響效果(MOST 108-2410-H-036-001),國科會。 | |
學歷 / 經歷 | |
國立台北教育大學生輔組組長(兼任) | |
國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系副教授 | |
國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系助理教授 | |
中小企業處-接班傳承N世代計畫 講師 | |
經濟部產業發展署-金屬產業數位轉型工作坊 講師 | |
資策會 企業Ai種子培訓營-講師 | |
大同大學-事業經營系助理教授 | |
智炬科技大數據顧問 | |
大同世界科技股份有限公司-大數據顧問 | |
大同世界科技股份有限公司-董事長特助 | |
領航數位國際股份有限公司-總經理特助 | |
味全食品工業股份有限公司-課長 | |
獲獎 / 榮耀 |